League of Legends Champions
Do you know how many champions exist in League of Legends? As of 2025, the game features over 160 characters available either permanently or temporarily.
Of course, not all champions dominate the game or boast a perfect balance of damage and survivability. But is that really necessary?
Champions in LoL have distinct roles and shine in different situations.
For example, champions with high durability can draw enemy attention, absorbing incoming damage and holding the frontline, while "glass cannons" (AP and AD carries) deal massive damage but fall from a single counterattack.
Understanding each champion’s mechanics is the key to maximizing strengths and minimizing weaknesses. This is crucial for matchmaking, counter-picking, and increasing your win rate.
Today, you'll learn how champions in LoL are classified, which tactics work best for each type, and how to position your champions effectively. No subjective tier lists or meta hype—just cold analysis and strategy.
League of Legends Champion Classification
LoL champions are generally divided into 7 classes:
- Tanks
- Fighters / Bruisers
- Assassins
- Mages
- Marksmen / ADC
- Supports
- Hybrids
Let's take a closer look at each subclass, analyzing their strengths and weaknesses.
Champions with low damage but high survivability.
- Damage sponges that can withstand mages, fighters, and assassins.
- Strong crowd-control abilities to manage the frontline.
- Buffs that protect allies.
- Slow movement.
- Relatively low damage output.
- Lack of powerful abilities.
A great class for beginners due to simple mechanics and forgiving mistakes.
Fighters / Bruisers
Champions who balance damage and survivability, making them versatile in various situations.
- Well-balanced mix of offense and defense.
- Powerful solo abilities and buffs.
- Decent mobility.
- Lower damage compared to pure DPS classes.
- Relies on auto-attacks.
- Requires complex combos for maximum efficiency.
A solid class for beginners, as it’s relatively easy to play and master.
The best burst-damage melee DPS champions in LoL.
- Maximum DPS in close combat.
- High mobility for kiting enemies.
- Strong crit and ability-based damage.
- Low survivability—1v1 fights are risky.
- Dependent on tanks and supports for efficiency.
Not recommended for beginners, as this class requires deep mechanical knowledge and quick reflexes.
Ranged champions with powerful and versatile abilities.
- Strong burst and sustained DPS.
- Crowd-control abilities.
- Attacks from a distance.
- Low survivability in solo fights.
- Highly dependent on positioning.
Mages can be deadly, but only in skilled hands.
Marksmen / ADC
Typical ranged DPS champions with high mobility and strong single-target damage.
- Maximum DPS.
- High mobility in all terrains.
- Buff and control abilities.
- Fragile "glass cannon" that dies quickly to counterattacks.
- Requires skillful ability and rune combinations.
To play this class effectively, you need fast reflexes and solid experience.
A class specializing in team-based gameplay.
- Strong team buffs.
- Healing abilities.
- Enough survivability for mid- and frontline engagements.
- Deals little to no damage.
- Can struggle to escape enemies alone.
With a good understanding of mechanics and positioning, this class is beginner-friendly, but it truly shines in the hands of skilled players.
Champions by Role on the Map
Imagine a new champion has been released in LoL, and you want to try them out. What should you analyze? Their positioning, mechanics, and synergy with other roles.
League of Legends has four main lanes, each best suited for specific champion types:
- Top Lane
- Jungle
- Mid Lane
- Bot Lane
Each lane requires specific roles, and champion effectiveness depends on counter-picks, skills, and tactics. Let’s explore the best picks for each lane.
Top Lane
The best front-line champions in LoL are tanks and bruisers. They have high survivability, damage resistance, and crowd control. Less commonly, you’ll find mDPS and rDPS champions here. Best picks:
- Tanks: Ornn, Malphite, Sion, Cho'Gath.
- Fighters: Darius, Camille, Jax, Fiora, Aatrox.
- Assassins: Akali, Riven, Kled.
- Mages: Vladimir, Kennen, Lillia.
Depending on the current meta, some champions may be replaced with stronger ones.
The best jungle champions for beginners are farmers who help the team's economy during the early and mid-game. Ideal picks:
- Assassins: Kha’Zix, Evelynn, Rengar, Shaco.
- Fighters: Vi, Wukong, Udyr, Bel’Veth.
- Tanks: Sejuani, Amumu, Zac, Rammus.
- Mages: Fiddlesticks, Lillia, Elise.
Earning gold and buffs is crucial, so prioritize champions who can farm creeps and bosses quickly.
Mid Lane
The best champions for the mid lane:
- Mages: Ahri, Lux, Syndra, Viktor, Veigar.
- Assassins: Zed, Katarina, LeBlanc, Yasuo.
- Fighters: Irelia, Yone, Pantheon.
- Tanks: Galio, Malphite.
Mid-lane success relies on strong role synergy and selecting champions with high DPS for effective pushing.
Bot Lane
Champions specializing in support and defense are essential for the mid- and late-game. Best picks:
- Tanks: Leona, Nautilus, Thresh, Alistar.
- Enchanters: Lulu, Soraka, Nami, Janna.
- Assassins: Pyke, Senna, Bard.
- Mages: Brand, Zyra, Vel’Koz.
This lane requires control, buffs, and damage amplification for the ADC, especially in the late game.
Flexibility & Role Switching
Some League of Legends champions can take on multiple roles depending on their build, runes, glyphs, and the current game situation. Why should you learn multiple roles?
- Autofill in ranked games. The system may place you in a secondary role, so be prepared.
- Counter-picks. Sometimes it’s easier to switch roles than to play a losing matchup.
- Better game knowledge. Playing different roles helps you predict enemy movements.
- Wider champion pool. Versatile players adapt more easily to patches and meta changes.
The main challenge is the steep learning curve. However, mastering multiple roles makes you a valuable teammate, even in random matches.
How to Choose a Champion in LoL
In League of Legends, beginner-friendly champions and pro-level picks don’t differ as much as you might think. A skilled player can make a weak champion shine, while a meta pick can underperform in the hands of an inexperienced player. Mastering multiple champions ensures you won’t be limited by your pool, counter-picks, or meta shifts.
If you're looking to improve your skills in a specific role, consider these key factors when selecting a champion:
- Difficulty level
- Team synergy
- Current meta and patch balance
However, all these factors can become irrelevant with a single effective counter-pick from the enemy. That’s why it’s crucial to recognize different champions, adapt to your team’s needs, and pick those that suit your playstyle best.
Beginner vs. Experienced Player Champions
Every League of Legends champion can be effective in the hands of both beginners and experienced players—the difference lies in how well the player understands their mechanics and applies them in matches.
Instead of categorizing champions as "easy" or "hard," it's better to experiment with different picks, learn their mechanics, and discover creative ways to use them. Paying attention to details and staying flexible in your choices is the key to success in any game.
Unique Champion Mechanics
In League of Legends, the best champions have their own unique mechanics that are revealed only after hours of practice and learning from mistakes. Here are some of them:
- Jayce – Switches between cannon and hammer, changing his fighting style.
- Elise – Transforms into a spider, gaining new abilities.
- Kayn – Chooses between assassin form (Blue – mobile) or fighter form (Red – survivable).
- Viego – Possesses slain enemies and uses their abilities.
- Zac – Splits into blobs and revives after death.
- Kled – Rides Skaarl and can lose/regain him in battle.
- Twisted Fate – Teleports across the map (ultimate).
- Nocturne – Darkens the map with his ultimate, limiting enemy vision.
- Mordekaiser – Drags an enemy into the "Death Realm" (1v1 zone).
- Tahm Kench – Devours an ally and protects them from damage.
This is not a complete list of champions with unique mechanics, but even training with these will require a lot of time and effort.
In League of Legends, the strongest champions are the heroes you know how to play effectively. Yes, Riot occasionally changes the balance in patches, adds new and removes old characters. But the core set of champions remains unchanged.
That's why for effective play and increasing your win rate, you should study all the champions. Independently or under the close supervision of professional coaches at Goranked.gg.