Public Offer Agreement - Сервис игровых амбиций Goranked

Public Offer Agreement

Individual Entrepreneur Hotin Maksym Andriyovych (hereinafter referred to as the Executor (Seller), offers an unlimited range of individuals and legal entities to conclude a contract for the provision of coaching, mentoring, athlete preparation for competitions, competition organization, athlete equipment preparation, software, and gaming environment setup services through the website (hereinafter referred to as the Service). We are not the developers or owners of games such as Dota 2 or Counter-Strike. All rights to these games belong to their respective developers and copyright holders.

Terms used in this Offer Agreement

Website – the Executor's (Seller's) website located on the Internet at

Customer (Buyer) – an individual who has received services on the Website.

Scheduled Technical Work – a set of technical operations performed by the Executor (Seller) within a specified period necessary for the quality provision of services and maintaining the operation of the Website.


1.1. Under the terms of this Agreement, the Executor (Seller) provides coaching, mentorship, athlete training for competitions, competition organization, athlete equipment preparation, software, and game environment setup services to the Customer (Buyer) (hereinafter referred to as the "Services"), and the Customer (Buyer) agrees to pay for the provided Services in accordance with the requirements of the Agreement.

1.2. This Agreement is publicly available to an unlimited number of people by its posting (publication) on the Website.

1.3. In accordance with Article 642 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, making a payment for the Services or Goods constitutes full and unconditional acceptance of all terms of this Offer Agreement without exception (acceptance of the offer).

1.4. The Agreement comes into force from the moment the Customer (Buyer) makes a payment for the Services.

1.5. Each Party guarantees to the other Party that it has full legal capacity and all the necessary rights and powers required and sufficient to conclude and execute the Agreement in accordance with its terms.


2.1. To receive the Services under the Agreement, the Customer (Buyer) must choose the appropriate Service, make the payment, and specify the desired results. The list and terms of the Services are indicated on the Website page at

2.2. The Services under the Agreement can be obtained both by registering on the Website and without registration.

2.3. In case of questions or problems, the Executor (Seller) provides the Customer (Buyer) with technical support.

2.4. In case of questions or problems, the Executor (Seller) provides the Customer (Buyer) with technical support.


3.1. The cost of the Services provided under this Agreement is indicated on the page

3.2. To receive the Services, the Customer (Buyer) must make a prepayment by transferring funds in the amount of 100% to the Executor (Seller).

3.3. To purchase the Services, the Customer (Buyer) must make a prepayment by transferring funds in the amount of 100% to the Executor (Seller).

3.4. Payment for the Services is made in a non-cash form using the WhitePay payment system. To make a payment, the Customer (Buyer) must choose the appropriate Service on the Website and click the "Buy" button, after which they will be redirected to the payment system page where payment can be made using Visa and Mastercard payment cards. In this case, the payment is additionally regulated by the rules of the payment service and the bank of the Customer (Buyer) and the Executor (Seller). The Executor (Seller) does not process bank card transactions. In case of errors or refusals, the Customer (Buyer) must contact the bank or the payment system representative through which the payment is made.

3.5. The cost of the Services does not include the cost of commissions charged by banks or the payment system for processing the payment. Such commissions are paid by the Customer (Buyer) separately.

3.6. Any payment made on behalf of the Customer (Buyer) using their personal data and payment methods is considered to be made by the Customer (Buyer).

3.7. The Executor (Seller) has the right to unilaterally change the cost of the Services or Goods and to add any paid Services or Goods by posting them on the Website and making changes to this Agreement.

3.8. The Customer is solely responsible for the accuracy of the payments they make.

3.9. If the Website Administration fails to fulfill the client's order within the agreed time frame, the client may request a refund of the transferred funds for the unfulfilled conditions. Refunds are made to the card used for payment.


4.1. Rights of the Customer (Buyer):

4.1.1. The Customer (Buyer) has the right to receive quality Services and Goods in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

4.1.2. Purchase any Services and/or Goods listed on the Executor's (Seller's) Website.

4.1.3. In case of any questions or malfunctions, contact the Executor (Seller) for technical support.

4.2. Obligations of the Customer (Buyer):

4.2.1. Familiarize themselves with the terms of this Agreement, the list of Services and the procedure for their provision, the list of Goods, their cost, and the payment procedure before accepting the offer.

4.2.2. Pay for the Goods in accordance with the prices indicated on the Website.

4.2.3. Refrain from any actions, intentional or unintentional, that lead to the malfunction of the software or the Executor's (Seller's) Website.

4.2.4. Not use the Services and Goods provided by the Executor (Seller) for activities that contradict national or international legislation. The Services and Goods provided under the Agreement may not be used for advertising, selling, or otherwise distributing goods and services whose circulation is directly or exceptionally prohibited or restricted by law.

4.2.5. Independently monitor changes in the terms of the Agreement on the Executor's (Seller's) Website.

4.3. Rights of the Executor (Seller):

4.3.1. The Executor (Seller) has the right to payment for the Services and/or Goods in accordance with the price indicated on the Website and the terms of this Agreement.

4.3.2. Change the prices of Services and Goods at their discretion.

4.3.3. Make changes to this Offer Agreement. The Customer (Buyer) is considered informed of the changes in the Agreement from the moment of the first payment after the modified Agreement is posted.

4.4. Obligations of the Executor (Seller):

4.4.1. Provide the Customer with quality Services and Goods in accordance with the terms of the Agreement.

4.4.2. Provide the Customer (Buyer) with feedback and technical support on all issues related to the purchased Services and Goods. The Executor (Seller) has the right to decline a technical support request in cases where changes and support cannot be provided due to the technical characteristics of the Goods.

4.4.3. Ensure the safe collection, processing, and storage of the Customer's (Buyer's) personal data that may become known to the Executor (Seller) in accordance with legal requirements.


5.1. By making a payment for the Goods, the Customer (Buyer) automatically consents to the collection, storage, processing, use, and disclosure of their personal data in accordance with the Laws of Ukraine "On Personal Data Protection", "On Consumer Rights Protection", "On Information Protection in Information and Telecommunication Systems".

5.2. The Executor (Seller) undertakes not to disclose or transmit the Customer's (Buyer's) personal data for review or use by third parties without the prior written consent of the Customer (Buyer).

5.3. The relationship between the parties to this Agreement in the field of confidentiality is regulated by the Privacy Policy posted on the website and is an integral part of this Agreement.


7.1. The website belongs to the Executor, is their development, and is protected by intellectual property law. All rights reserved.

7.2. No elements of the Website content, as well as any content posted on it, may be used otherwise without the prior permission of the copyright holder. Use includes, but is not limited to: reproduction, copying, processing, distribution on any basis, etc.


8.1. The Agreement comes into force from the moment the Customer (Buyer) makes a payment for the Services and is valid until the direct provision of the Service by the Executor or the provision of access to the purchased Goods.

8.2. The Executor (Seller) has the right to make changes or additions to the Agreement at any time without any special notification by posting the new version of the Agreement on the website at, which takes effect from the moment it is posted.

8.3. The terms of the Agreement are governed by the legislation of Ukraine.

8.4. In cases not regulated by this Agreement, the Parties are governed by the legislation of Ukraine.

8.5. The Parties consent to the processing and storage of personal data that become known to them in connection with the conclusion of this Agreement to the extent necessary in accordance with the requirements of current legislation of Ukraine.

8.6. The Executor's (Seller's) email address/Telegram for Customer (Buyer) inquiries:


Individual Entrepreneur

Hotin Maksym Andriyovych

Ukraine, 40034, Sumy region, Sumy city, Lushpy Mykhaila Ave.,
building 32, apartment 20
RNOCPP: 3697105553
tel.: +380960003322
IBAN: UA213220010000026002340127624
Edition of the Public Offer Agreement dated «04» October 2023.