Terms of Use. Legal information - Service Goranked

Rules order


    1.1. Under the terms of this Agreement, the Contractor (Seller) Providing coaching, mentoring, training athletes for competition, organizing competitions, preparing athletes' equipment, software and setting up game environments. We are not the developer or owner of games such as Dota 2 or Counter-Strike. All rights to these games belong to their respective developers and copyright holders

    1.2. This Agreement is publicly available to an unlimited number of persons by posting (publication) it on the Website.

    1.3. In accordance with Article 642 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, the payment for the Services or Goods is a full and unconditional acceptance of all the terms of this Agreement without exception (acceptance of the offer).

    1.4. The Agreement shall enter into force upon the Customer's (Buyer's) payment for the Services or Goods.

    1.5. Each Party guarantees to the other Party that it has full legal capacity and authority, as well as all necessary rights and powers required and sufficient for the conclusion and performance of the Agreement in accordance with its terms.



    2.1. To be able to receive Services under the Agreement, the Customer (Buyer) must select the appropriate Service, make payment, and specify the desired results. The list and terms of provision of Services are specified on the Website page https://goranked.gg

    2.2. To purchase Goods, the Customer (Buyer) must select the necessary account among those placed on the Website page https://goranked.ggand make payment for it. After payment, the Customer (Buyer) will receive access to the purchased Goods and can use it to participate in a computer game or program.

    2.3. The provision of services and purchase of Goods under the Agreement is possible both upon registration on the Website and without registration.

    2.4. In case of questions or problems, the Contractor (Seller) provides technical support to the Customer (Buyer).



    3.1. The cost of Services provided under this Agreement, as well as Goods sold on the Website, is specified on the page https://goranked.gg.

    3.2. The cost of Goods placed on the Website is determined in hryvnias.

    3.3. To purchase Services or Goods, the Customer (Buyer) must make a prepayment by transferring funds in the amount of 100% to the Contractor (Seller).

    3.4. Payment for the Goods is made in non-cash form using the Wayforpay payment system. To make a payment, the Customer (Buyer) must select the appropriate Service or Goods on the Website and click the "Buy" button, after which they will be redirected to the payment system page, where they can make payment using Visa and Mastercard payment system cards. In this case, payment is additionally regulated by the rules of the payment service and the bank of the Customer (Buyer) and the Contractor (Seller). The Contractor (Seller) does not process transactions with bank cards. In case of errors or refusal, the Customer (Buyer) must contact the bank or the representative of the payment system through which the payment is made.

    3.5. The cost of Services or Goods does not include the cost of commissions charged by banks or the payment system for processing the payment. Such commissions are paid separately by the Customer (Buyer).

    3.6. Any payment made on behalf of the Customer (Buyer) using their personal data and payment instruments is considered to be made by the Customer (Buyer).

    3.7. The Contractor (Seller) has the right to unilaterally change the cost of Services or Goods, as well as add any paid Services or Goods by posting them on the Website and making changes to this Agreement.

    3.8. The Customer is solely responsible for the accuracy of the payments made.



    4.1. Rights of the Customer (Buyer)

    4.1.1. The Customer (Buyer) has the right to receive quality Services and Goods in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

    4.1.2. To purchase any Services and/or Goods posted on the Contractor's (Seller's) Website.

    4.1.3. In case of any questions or malfunctions, to contact the Contractor (Seller) for technical support.

    4.2. Obligations of the Customer (Buyer):

    4.2.1. To familiarize oneself with the terms of this Agreement, the list of Services and the procedure for their provision, the list of Goods, their cost, and the payment procedure before accepting the offer.

    4.2.2. To pay for the Goods according to the cost specified on the Website.

    4.2.3. Not to take any actions, intentionally or unintentionally, leading to the disruption of the functioning of the software or the Contractor's (Seller's) Website.

    4.2.4. Not to use the Services and Goods provided by the Contractor (Seller) for activities that contradict national or international legislation. The Services and Goods provided under the Agreement cannot be used for advertising, sale, or other distribution of goods and services, the circulation of which is directly or by way of exceptions prohibited or restricted by law.

    4.2.5. To monitor changes in the terms of the Agreement on the Contractor's (Seller's) website independently.

    4.3. Rights of the Contractor (Seller):

    4.3.1. The Contractor (Seller) has the right to payment for the Services and/or Goods according to the price specified on the Website and the terms of this Agreement.

    4.3.2. To change the prices for Services and Goods at their discretion.

    4.3.3. To make changes to this Agreement offer. The Customer (Buyer) is considered informed of the changes to the Agreement from the moment of the first payment after the modified Agreement is posted.

    4.4. Obligations of the Contractor (Seller):

    4.4.1. To provide the Customer with quality Services and Goods in accordance with the terms of the Agreement.

    4.4.2. To provide the Customer (Buyer) with feedback and technical support on all issues regarding the purchased Services and Goods. The Contractor (Seller) has the right to refuse a request for technical support in cases where it is impossible to make changes and provide support due to the technical characteristics of the Goods.

    4.4.3. To ensure the safe collection, processing, and storage of the Customer's (Buyer's) personal data that may become known to the Contractor (Seller) in accordance with the requirements of the law.



    5.1. By making payment for the Goods, the Customer (Buyer) automatically agrees to the collection, storage, processing, use, and disclosure of their personal data in accordance with the Laws of Ukraine "On Personal Data Protection", "On Consumer Rights Protection", "On Information Protection in Information and Telecommunication Systems".

    5.2. The Contractor (Seller) undertakes not to disclose or transfer the personal data of the Customer (Buyer) for viewing or use by third parties without the prior written consent of the Customer (Buyer).

    5.3. Relations between the parties to this Agreement in the field of confidentiality are regulated by the Privacy Policy posted on the website and are an integral part of this Agreement.



    6.1. Parties shall be liable for non-performance or improper performance of the Agreement in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.

    6.2. All disputes arising within the framework of the Agreement shall be resolved through negotiations. In case of inability to settle the dispute through negotiations, the dispute shall be submitted to the court of the respective jurisdiction based on the location of the Contractor (Seller).

    6.3. Parties shall be exempt from liability for partial or complete non-performance of the terms of the Agreement if such non-performance is a result of force majeure circumstances that the parties could not foresee or prevent.

    6.4. Force majeure circumstances shall include events that make it impossible for the relevant party to perform the Agreement: earthquakes, floods, other natural disasters, fires, nuclear and other industrial accidents, as well as strikes, military actions, civil unrest, or acts of state authorities that hinder the performance of the agreement. All other obstacles, regardless of their nature or characteristics, are not considered force majeure, except for those obstacles that are intentionally recognized by the parties as caused by force majeure.

  2. 6.5. The Client understands and agrees that the internal policies of game developers, such as Valve, may impose restrictions on the transfer of game accounts or on rating boosts. This may lead to account suspensions or other restrictions imposed by the developer. The Site Administration is not responsible for any consequences arising from such restrictions. The Client agrees not to make any claims or demands against the Site Administration related to potential account suspensions or other sanctions imposed by the developer. If internal rules or agreements from Steam prohibit the transfer of accounts or rating boosts, the GORANKED Site Administration is not responsible for any suspensions or other restrictions that may be imposed by Steam.

    6.5.1. GORANKED disclaims any responsibility for possible account suspensions or other sanctions that may be imposed by Valve.

    6.6. The Site Administration is not materially responsible for the Product purchased by the Client from the moment of purchase.

    6.7. The Site Administration is not responsible for the inventory of the account. It is recommended to transfer items to another account when placing an order for rating boosting.

    6.7.1. During the execution of the rating boost order, the user's inventory is insured for the amount of 500 UAH, and in the event of an insured event (loss of items), the site administration pays a fixed insurance amount: 500 UAH. If the value of your account exceeds 2500 UAH, we recommend transferring the most valuable items to another account.

    6.8. The product purchased by the Client is provided on an "as is" basis. The Site Administration is not responsible in any form for the Product's non-compliance with the Client's goals, tasks, representations, or desires.

    6.9. Nothing in this user agreement can guarantee the Client complete satisfaction of their interests and needs related to the purchase of the Product or Service.

    6.10. The Site Administration is not responsible for any losses and expenses incurred by the Client, in particular:

    6.10.1. losses and expenses caused by actions/inactions of third parties.

    6.10.2. losses and expenses arising from failures and interruptions in the operation of the Site.

    6.10.3. losses and expenses resulting from the impact of computer viruses, "trojans," "worms," etc.

    6.10.4. losses and expenses related to the blocking of the user who uses the Product after its sale, regardless of the reason for the blocking.

    6.11. The Site Administration is not responsible for the Client's loss of Game account data, as well as for all negative consequences arising and associated with such loss.

    6.12. The Site acts as an intermediary in the sale of game accounts and is not responsible for the loss and/or poor quality of the product.

    6.13. In case of problems with the purchased account (inability to continue using the account), the site administration performs the following actions:

    6.13.1. Undertakes to provide the account owner's details to file a claim against them.

    6.13.2. The site administration reserves the right to refund the spent funds in favor of the buyer in case of a problem with the account not related to blocking, according to the formula: account price multiplied by the commission fee minus the amount paid to the account owner for the sale.



    7.1. The website gameboost.com.ua belongs to the Contractor, is its development, and is protected by legislation in the field of intellectual property rights. All rights reserved.

    7.2. No elements of the website content, as well as any content posted on it, may be used otherwise without the prior permission of the copyright holder. Use includes, but is not limited to, reproduction, copying, processing, distribution on any basis, etc.



    8.1. The Agreement enters into force upon the Customer's (Buyer's) payment for the Services and remains in effect until the direct provision of the Services by the Contractor or provision of access to the purchased Goods.

    8.2. The Contractor (Seller) has the right to make changes or additions to the Agreement at any time without any special notice by posting a new version of the Agreement on the website at the page https://goranked.gg/page/rules, which becomes effective upon its posting.

    8.3. The provisions of the Agreement are governed by the legislation of Ukraine.

    8.4. In cases not regulated by this Agreement, the Parties shall be guided by the legislation of Ukraine.

    8.5. The Parties consent to the processing and storage of personal data made known to them in connection with the conclusion of this Agreement, to the extent necessary in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of Ukraine.

    8.6. Email/Telegram address of the Contractor (Seller) for addressing the Customer's (Buyer's) inquiries support@goranked.gg.