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What is Low Priority LP in Dota 2
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What is Low Priority LP in Dota 2

27 Sep 24р.

What is Low Priority in Dota 2?


Imagine being placed on a "penalty bench" in the world of Dota 2. This is what Low Priority (LP) is — a punishment system for players who break the rules or ruin the game experience for others.

In Dota 2, Low Priority is not just a temporary ban. It's a separate matchmaking queue where players land after frequently leaving games, receiving reports from other players, or otherwise violating the rules. You must play a set number of games here before you can return to regular matchmaking.

This system acts as a type of purgatory, where players can reflect on their behavior and learn to be more responsible members of the community. However, Low Priority isn't the end of the world. It’s more of an opportunity to improve and return to the game with a new mindset.

How to Avoid Low Priority?

To understand how to avoid Low Priority, it's important to know the conditions that lead to it.

Abandoning Games

The system isn't that harsh. Forgetting about your food on the stove once or twice isn't a big deal. But if you regularly disappear from matches like a ninja, be prepared to visit Low Priority. This usually happens after 2–3 abandoned games in a short time.


Things are a bit more complicated here. The system takes into account both the number and frequency of reports. A few upset opponents in a week are nothing. But if you’re collecting reports like Thanos gathering Infinity Stones, you're in trouble. Roughly 4–5 reports in 25 games can be your ticket to Low Priority.

Combo of Failures

Sometimes, Low Priority is like the perfect storm. A few reports here, a couple of abandoned games there, and voila — you're in Low Priority with other "lucky ones."

Technical Issues

Even if your internet decided to go on strike, the system doesn’t differentiate between intentional and unintentional disconnects. Frequent disconnections may lead to the same result as deliberate leaves.

It’s essential to understand: there’s no magic formula. The system evaluates your behavior as a whole. In essence, it's about staying decent in the game. Treat others as you'd like to be treated, and who knows, you might even climb the MMR ladder.

Low Priority Game Mode

If you’ve found yourself in Dota 2’s Low Priority, get ready to play in Single Draft mode. This is the only available mode in Low Priority, and it has its quirks.

In Single Draft, you won’t have the luxury of choosing from the entire hero pool. Instead, you’ll be given only three heroes: one from each attribute — Strength, Agility, and Intelligence. From this trio, you’ll have to choose your "savior."

Key Features of Single Draft in Low Priority:

  • No Favorites: Forget about your carry hero with 1000+ hours. You might have to play a hero you’ve never seen before.

  • Unexpected Discoveries: Sometimes, this can be an opportunity to find a new favorite or uncover hidden talent on an unfamiliar hero.

  • Teamwork in a New Light: With everyone having a limited selection, you’ll need to improvise with compositions and strategies.

  • Possibility to Escape Faster: Some say that victories in Single Draft reduce your Low Priority sentence faster. But who knows, maybe that’s just an urban legend.

How to Get Out of Low Priority in Dota 2?

So, you’ve ended up in Low Priority. What now? You have a couple of options to get out.

The Classic Way — Play It Yourself

Yes, it can be tedious, especially if you’re not a fan of Single Draft. But there are benefits — you might actually learn something. New heroes, unusual builds — all of this expands your gameplay knowledge. Plus, it’s free, except for the cost of your time and patience.

Paid Option — Get Out of LP for Money

What if you don’t have the time or desire to go through this process? In that case, there’s an alternative — you can pay to get out of Low Priority. Before escaping LP, you choose how many games need to be played, pay for the service, and provide your account login details. Then, a professional steps in. An experienced player logs into your account and plays the necessary matches in Single Draft mode.

The main advantage of this approach is saving time and nerves. Instead of struggling in an unfamiliar mode, possibly with heroes you’re not skilled with, you can go about your business while your LP is cleared. Another plus is avoiding the stress of playing with potentially toxic teammates, which are unfortunately common in Low Priority.

It's important to note that after exiting Low Priority, many players face a problem of low MMR. In this case, boosting your rank in Dota 2 might seem tempting. However, remember that the best way to raise your MMR is by improving your skills and playing fairly. Skipping this experience could mean missing out on valuable lessons.

Lastly, the easiest way to handle Low Priority is to avoid it altogether. Play fair, respect other players, and good luck in your games!