How to quickly raise solo rank in Dota
How to Quickly Raise Your Solo Rating in Dota
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How to Quickly Raise Your Solo Rating in Dota

20 Sep 24р.

How to Quickly Raise Your Solo Rating in Dota

Who among Dota players hasn’t dreamed of climbing higher in the rankings? Surely, many believe that at a higher MMR, games are much more interesting and enjoyable. And to some extent, that’s true. The higher your rating, the greater the chance of ending up in a team with experienced players who understand the nuances of the game and strategies.

Often, players get stuck at their ranks and start thinking: "I’m playing better! It’s my teammates that are dragging me down." Sound familiar, right?
But let’s face the truth: if you’re truly playing better than your current rank, over time, you’ll definitely climb higher. Yes, there are games where teammates don’t shine or someone in the team loses motivation after the first setbacks. But that happens on the enemy team too!

If you’re looking for ways to raise your solo MMR in Dota 2, you’ve come to the right place. Many players ask this question, and today we’ll break down what really works. No empty promises or obvious tips like "play more"—only proven methods from players who have significantly increased their rank.


Game Mode Selection: Your Game—Your Rules

Let’s talk about game mode selection. It may seem trivial, but in fact, it’s an important step before quickly boosting your MMR.

If you haven’t mastered a large pool of heroes yet, don’t worry. Role Queue is an excellent choice in this situation. It allows you to focus on a specific role and a small pool of heroes, making the game much easier.

Want to raise your MMR quickly? Try focusing on one role. It’s like becoming an expert in your field. Choose a role you enjoy—whether it's carry, mid, offlane, or support—and perfect it. Over time, you’ll start noticing how your game understanding improves and your skills grow.

Remember those unpleasant situations where players couldn’t agree on roles? With Role Queue, that’s a thing of the past. This is especially relevant at lower ranks, where such conflicts happen quite often. Now you can be sure that everyone in the team will play their role.

Here’s an important takeaway: the right game mode selection is a good start in a Dota 2 match. Approach this question wisely, and you’ll notice your rank rising at an impressive pace.


Keep Up with the Meta

In the world of Dota 2, the meta is constantly changing, and keeping up with these changes is an important step on the path to increasing your MMR.

The meta shows which heroes, strategies, and builds are currently the most effective. But remember, the meta isn’t a dogma, but rather a guideline for action.

Interesting fact: the meta can vary significantly at different levels of play. What works in pro games may not work in your bracket. Be sure to check the stats for your rating, for instance, on Dotabuff.

Some heroes may be true stars at lower ranks but lose effectiveness at higher MMR. And vice versa! Understanding these nuances will give you a significant advantage.

The meta is not only about hero selection but also about how you develop them:

  • Skills
    Study popular skill builds. Sometimes a small change in the skill order can significantly strengthen the hero at certain stages of the game.

  • Talents
    Talent choices can drastically change a hero’s role. Keep an eye on which talents top players are picking in the current meta.

  • Items
    Item builds are an art. Meta builds can change from patch to patch, so it’s important to stay up to date with the current trends.

  • Shards
    Don’t forget about shards—they can greatly enhance your hero and change the style of play.

By following the meta wisely and adapting it to your playstyle, you can significantly increase your chances of winning and raise your MMR in Dota 2!


Master Signature Heroes—Your Ace in the Hole

Following the meta is undoubtedly important for growing your MMR, but there’s another key aspect that many players overlook. It’s about having a few signature heroes in your arsenal. And MMR boost is guaranteed.

It’s great if you have 2-3 heroes that you know inside and out. These are the characters you can play blindfolded—you know all their strengths and weaknesses, understand how they interact with other heroes, and feel their rhythm of the game on an intuitive level. These heroes become your secret weapon, especially in situations where meta picks don’t fit or are banned.

Signature heroes are especially valuable because they can be effective even when they aren’t at the peak of popularity. While other players are trying to master the new patch hero, you’re calmly doing your thing with a character you know like the back of your hand. This gives you a significant advantage, especially in the early stages after a new patch’s release.

How to choose a signature hero?

Start by analyzing your playstyle. Which roles do you enjoy the most? Do you prefer aggressive gameplay or more passive farming? Choose heroes that match your natural playstyle—it’ll be easier for you to master them. The result will be an MMR increase and confident retention of it.

Then comes something you can’t do without—practice. Play these heroes over and over in different situations and against various opponent compositions. Study all their nuances: which skills can be canceled, which abilities have unexpected combos, how to use terrain to your advantage. Experiment with different item builds—sometimes an unconventional build can turn out to be unexpectedly effective.

Another advantage of signature heroes is their versatility. By choosing a hero that can play multiple roles or adapt to different situations, you’ll always be in a winning position. For example, heroes like Puck or Invoker can play both aggressively and more passively, making them an excellent choice in different situations.

So don’t rush to jump on every hero that the community is buzzing about. Instead, invest time in mastering a few signature characters, and it will definitely pay off in the form of an increased ranking.


Master Your Signature Heroes — Your Ace Up Your Sleeve

Following the meta is, without a doubt, crucial for climbing MMR, but there’s another key aspect that many players tend to overlook. It’s about having a few signature heroes in your arsenal. And this is your sure bet for MMR boosting.

It’s great if you have 2-3 heroes that you know inside and out. These are the characters you can play with your eyes closed — you know all their strengths and weaknesses, how they interact with other heroes, and you intuitively understand their rhythm in the game. These heroes become your secret weapon, especially in situations where meta picks aren’t suitable or are already banned.

Signature heroes are notable for being effective even when they aren’t at the peak of popularity. While other players struggle to master a new patch hero, you’ll calmly do your thing on a character you know inside and out. This gives you a significant advantage, especially in the early stages after a patch is released.


How to Choose a Signature Hero?

Start by analyzing your playstyle. Which roles do you enjoy the most? Do you prefer aggressive play or a more passive farm? Choose heroes that align with your natural style — that way, it’ll be easier for you to master them. The result will be a rising MMR and confidently holding your rank.

Then comes something you can’t do without — practice. Play these heroes repeatedly, in various situations and against different enemy compositions. Learn all their nuances: which abilities can be canceled, which hidden ability combos exist, and how to use the terrain to your advantage. Experiment with different item builds; sometimes an unconventional build can turn out to be surprisingly effective.

Another advantage of signature heroes is their versatility. Choosing a hero that can fulfill multiple roles or adapt to various situations will always keep you in a winning position. For example, heroes like Puck or Invoker can play both aggressively or more passively, making them great picks in different scenarios.

So, don’t rush to jump on every hero that’s being talked about in the community. Instead, invest time in mastering a few signature characters, and this will surely pay off in the form of increased MMR.


Team Communication — The Key to Success

Even if you know the game well, can pick meta heroes, and excel with your signature characters, you still don’t play alone. Dota 2 is a team game, and how you interact with your teammates makes a big difference.

Often, players think their teammates are the ones holding them back from climbing MMR, but communication with the team can become one of your strongest tools. Even when playing with strangers, a few well-placed words can establish teamwork and greatly increase your chances of winning.

Here are some tips:


Don’t Fuel Conflicts

Dota games can be stressful, especially when things aren’t going according to plan. But instead of insulting or criticizing your teammates, try to stay calm. Positive communication can motivate your team to play better, even if the early stages of the match didn’t go well.


Use Micro Commands

Pings and short phrases in chat can be your best friend. Use them to coordinate actions: signal danger, notify about ultimates or items, and suggest controlling runes. But remember, too many pings or commands can annoy your teammates, so use them in moderation.


Plan Together

Try to discuss strategy before the match starts. Even a short conversation about role distribution or hero selection can help avoid misunderstandings. It’s also important to maintain communication throughout the game: share information about the enemy’s status, discuss potential attacks or defensive actions.

Communication is a factor often underestimated at low MMRs. But remember: even the best player can’t win a match alone without team support. So, make communication a priority, and you’ll see your MMR start to climb.


Learn from Your Mistakes

No matter how well you play, everyone makes mistakes. Instead of getting upset about failures, use them as opportunities for improvement. One of the most effective ways to quickly increase your rating in Dota 2 is by analyzing your games.

After each match, take a few minutes to review your actions:

  • What decisions were wrong? Perhaps you picked the wrong target for an attack or initiated a fight poorly.
  • Did you have an optimal item and talent build? Sometimes a small change in your build can make a big impact on the game’s outcome.
  • How did you interact with your team? Maybe you needed to provide more information or coordinate actions better with teammates.

Analyzing your mistakes will help you see what can be improved in future games. Additionally, it will prevent you from repeating the same mistakes, which in turn will accelerate your progress up the ranks.

Sometimes it’s helpful to watch replays of your matches. This allows you to see the situation from a different perspective and catch moments you might have missed during the game. You might realize that you missed an important opportunity to attack or could have saved an ally.

Remember that the path to high MMR is a continuous process of improvement. And every mistake is just another step towards bettering your gameplay.

Mental Resilience — The Key to Success

Another crucial aspect of climbing MMR in Dota 2 is mental resilience. Dota is a game that can evoke strong emotions, and your ability to stay calm in stressful situations often determines the outcome of the game.

You might have encountered this situation: after several lost matches, you start playing worse, making hasty decisions, or taking unnecessary risks. These are all effects of what’s known as “tilt” — an emotional state that affects your ability to think rationally during a game.

To avoid tilt:

  • Take breaks between matches, especially if you feel yourself getting nervous or tired.
  • Don’t take every game too seriously. Sometimes, there are situations where you can’t influence the match’s outcome, and that’s okay.
  • Focus on your own actions rather than those of your teammates. You can’t control how others play, but you can control your gameplay and decisions.

Mental resilience is what separates players who reach high MMR from those who remain stuck. Learn to stay composed, and don’t let emotions dictate your gameplay.



Climbing MMR in Dota 2 is a task that requires patience, self-discipline, and constant improvement. There’s no magic recipe to quickly achieve your desired rating, but applying the above tips can significantly speed up the process.

Choosing the right game mode, keeping up with the meta, mastering signature heroes, effective team communication, and analyzing your mistakes are the steps that will help you succeed. And mental resilience will ensure you don’t give up after failures and continue your journey to the top.

So, gear up, and may your rank rise along with your skills!